Spiritual Sports and Adventure Consulting :
Apart from our regular trainings and internships we have been consulting individuals and teams to find harmony and successful cooperation with special tailor-made programs. Many executives, teachers, clerics and other high-pressured officials are looking for ways to have recreation combined with an experiential learning experience outside of their usual environment. Also "at risk youth", recovering alcoholics and drug abusers as well as schools are looking for meaningful activities or on a more deeper note for a "rite of passage". To be away from one's usual environment opens the mind to a different view about relationships and oneself. Instead of being just recreation, it can be a thorough learning experience but it needs to be translated later on into a new changed attitude and behavior back at work or at home. Only if an activity is properly debriefed (discussed and evaluated) can it be of lasting effect. To continuously follow up the progress of individuals and teams is possible depending on the availability of our staff. We offer to discuss with you options and possibilities to arrange a special program for you personally or your management team, or we will refer you to other organizations and agencies that can help you in your quest. Home/about SSAC/programs 2001/spiritual warrior/Young SW/quest center/service/SSAConsulting/our team/news & articles/links/registration